Joani's Corner: Poinsettia Time!

Make your poinsettia last
Photo: Tom MacCubbin
by: Joan MacCubbin
Updated: 12/1/2017 11:03:57 AM
Poinsettias are now arriving at your local garden centers.  They look quite festive and it's very tempting to make purchase.   Who says it has to be December before you display  a few Poinsettias?  I think you should give in to a little temptation.....and buy a few.....especially when they look their very best right now.   In about 2 to 3 weeks the stores will receive their final if you want to get a few good ones you should get them fairly soon.

Now to keep your poinsettias in good shape through the holidays.  There are a few things that you can do to insure that they will. 

If the poinsettia you decide to buy is wrapped with foil.......remove it.   Even though the foil looks pretty it prevents light from reaching the bottom leaves and they will turn yellow and drop.   It also interferes with you seeing whether the plant needs water.  Poinsettias usually dry out fast especially if the heat is turned on in your home.   Check the soil daily for its water needs.

Keep your poinsettia in the brightest light possible.  It was grown in greenhouses in bright sunny conditions.  When it comes into your home, it's light source is usually drastically reduced.   Now that doesn't mean that it can't be displayed in other parts of the house occasionally or when you're entertaining.  Just return it to a brighter area the next day. 

Every 4-6 weeks your poinsettias would enjoy a little food.   Use a water soluble fertilizer 1 tablespoon to a gallon of water.  Even your other inside plants would enjoy that too.

Now if you follow these few little tips your poinsettias will look great and will last well into the new year.  Then if you'd like,  you can plant them outside in a nice sunny location......but away from any extra nighttime a street light or porch light.  Then for the 2018 holidays you will have your very own poinsettias adding a little pizzazz to your landscape.