Summer Cutting Gardens

Cutting Garden
Photo: Tom MacCubbin
by: Tom MacCubbin
Updated: 6/29/2017 10:28:18 AM
Green plants are fun to grow in the home but most gardeners would also like some flowers.  There is a lot of enjoyment from having pots filled with color and plenty of  blooms to cut for arrangements.

If you want good flowers find your sunniest spot. It may be in front of a southern window, on the patio or at the edge of a balcony.  Then pick some of the shorter growing but colorful plants including angelonia, begonias, crossandra, impatiens, marigolds, pentas, salvia, torenia and zinnias for the summer months.  Even some herbs including basil, chives and mint may produce flowers that can be added to arrangements.

Grow one plant to a container or add several to form a small cutting garden.  Don't crowd the plants,  allow  them a little room to produce new shoots with plenty of blooms.  Then use these tips to encourage growth.

Most annual flowering plants last 6 to 8 weeks and then decline.  It's best to grow a collection of different types in various stages of  growth to always have plants in bloom.