Rest Weary Indoor Foliage Plants Outdoors This Summer

Plants love to go outside and play
Photo: Tom MacCubbin
by: Tom MacCubbin
Updated: 6/29/2017 10:25:13 AM
Perhaps you have noticed some of your indoor foliage plants getting just a little bit yellow.  Some may be dropping leaves and thinning too. Well, it's normal and you can help get these plants back on the road to recovery.

You see, plants really weren't developed to grow indoors.  The light level is often too low, waterings forgotten and there are often plenty of pests.  Right now you can give these plants a chance to recover by moving them outdoors in the landscape, on the patio or on the porch.

No matter where you live if you have nice warm days move these winter and spring survivors outside to resume good growth.  The plants are going to find outdoor life is similar to the jungly conditions their relatives originally came from.  You do have to provide a little care as follows to help with the recovery.

You are going to be surprised how quickly your indoor favorites return to their natural green and full condition.  They should be ready by fall to return to their  place in the home.