A Critter Got My Pineapple Too

A Critter got to my Pineapple!
Photo: Tom MacCubbin
by: Tom MacCubbin
Updated: 8/31/2020 12:27:24 PM
Florida Gardeners have raised pineapples for well over 100 years.  Now, I wonder if over these many years they've had problems with critters too.  One of our readers sent me a picture that is worth a thousand nasty words.  But the results are the same - something ate his pineapple.  Well, a critter got one of mine too and it was likely a rat, squirrel or racoon.   Our reader said he surrounded the next soon to be maturing fruit with small holed chicken wire.  I will too and hope it works.

Pineapples are a source of lots of gardening questions.  It seems like the early settlers, most of whom had pineapple patches, liked to grow these fruiting plants and we do too.  Here are a few questions readers write and they may be your questions too.

- How long does it take to get a fruit?  Usually flowering begins in about 2 to 3 years after the plant is established in a large container or garden.  The plants frequently flower in March and the fruits are ready in August.

- Will I get another fruit?  Not from the original plant but you can from the many side shoots that form.  Leave a few around the mother plant to produce the next crop.  These replace the mother plant that slowly declines.  Also, remove a few of the shoots when 6- to 8-inches long to start more plants or patches. 

- Do I need to protect my plants from cold?  Pineapple plants are sensitive to freezes.  Temperatures of 32 degrees and below cause the plants to decline.  They can survive a frost but expect some yellowing.  After severe cold,  many plants survive but have to restart growth from the base.

- What care is needed to ensure fruit production?  Keep the soil moist but not wet.  Feed monthly March through October with a general garden fertilizer.  Or, you can use a slow release fertilizer following label instructions.

Pineapples are easy to grow but you do have to be patient.  They are easily started by rooting tops saved from the store-bought fruits.  Pineapple plants make attractive ornamental additions to patios and gardens while you and the critters are waiting for the first fruits.