Joani's Corner: The Three C's for Summer

Photo: Tom MacCubbin
by: Joani MacCubbin
Updated: 6/30/2020 9:47:21 AM
Do you want some colorful and easy care plants around your yard or by your pool for the summer?  Crotons are one of my favorite shrubs.  They come in so many color variations....from shades or red, orange, yellow or just plain green....usually though, they can be in all those colors and on just one plant.  Even the leaves can be quite different....flat, corkscrew or slightly wavy.....and that's ok. 

They can be placed in full sun or shady locations and will still do very well.   You can plant them in the ground or in large pots.  We have some in large pots around our pool patio area.  And they have been there for a very long time.   Some crotons grow to only 3 to 4 ft. tall and some over 7 ft. tall.  But they don't crowd out other plants they just stay to themselves. 

Now is a great time to add Coleus to your landscape or pool area.  This is another tough and durable plant and will also do well around your pool.  Place a few in a large pot or large clay bowl and water as needed.  Place them in part sun or light shady area.  There is a new coleus out now that will grow in full sun and it's called Sun Coleus.  Leaf colors can be found in so many color variations that it will be hard to choose choose two or three you'll be glad you did.

Finally.........the Caladium ....They are one of the toughest plants.  They can also come in so many color selections that it's hard to decide which one...or two or three to bring home.  Place them in shady or part-sun areas.  They will die back in the late fall but will return better than ever the following spring.  

We have a large croton and two caladiums next to it on one end of our pool patio and they all look very nice together.