Joani's Corner: Crotons

Photo: Joani MacCubbin
by: Joani MacCubbin
Updated: 6/1/2020 7:13:52 AM
If you don't have a few crotons in your landscape it may be time to add a few.....and when you may find them a little addictive.  There are so many types of them.....from different leaf shapes like flat or corkscrew to growth habits, height and width.   Even leaf colors can be just about any color you'd like.....with shades of red, oranges, yellows to plain green.....and with all these combinations of variegated colors.....some even with polka dots. 

Crotons have been grown in tropical gardens for centuries and they are becoming even more popular than ever as time passes.  In their native habitats of India, Malaysia and the South Pacific Islands where they usually grow to different heights as shrubs and some even into small trees.

Some crotons will do well even as an inside houseplant in a bright area or even where there may  be a little sunlight peeking through a window...... unlike many other inside foliage plants that can't deal with any sunlight at all.

Florists often find crotons sections an excellent choice for use in floral arrangements......using just the leaves or stems and to even whole branches.   Occasionally they are used in corsages or possibly in wedding bouquets as they add an exotic floral touch.

Here in Florida crotons can grow to six feet or more in height and width.  In South Florida and warmer parts of central Florida they are evergreen ....evergreen meaning they will keep their leaves year round.  Grown either in large pots or used as an accent shrub and what's very nice is that they are drought tolerant.  We grow ours in large pots so we can protect them if the winter brings us colder weather than they would like.

If you try one or two crotons... your eyes will always be open for one that's a little different.