Geraniums Improve With a Little Help

Struggling Geranium should revive during the cool fall months
Photo: Tom MacCubbin
by: Tom MacCubbin
Updated: 11/1/2019 11:06:34 AM
Some of us kept a geranium or two over the summer. Right now your plants, like mine pictured, probably look pretty poor -  so what are you going to do?

Probably you won't have to do that much.  What geraniums are waiting for is the cool weather. The cooler days ahead should start to revive your plantings.  They love the chill in the air but not a frost or freeze.  So now through spring is a great time for geraniums but they do need a little care.

At this time of the year I suggest you keep them in containers that can be moved about.  Here is what I do.  If needed, I repot the plants, but not too big a container.   Just an inch or two larger container if needed is fine.  Too large a container may encourage root rot due to over watering.  I use a quality potting mixture to fill the container and around the plants.  Then you need a sunny site.  Geraniums do not flower without lots of sun. 
Here are some more things you need to do.  Keep the soil moist but not wet.  Most potting mixtures include fertilizer too and can feed the planting for several months but when the geranium growth slows give them a feeding of a slow release fertilizer.  These are better at feeding than me and maybe you too.  They automatically feed the plants for months when you keep the soil moist.  Also, give the plants regular grooming.  We call this dead heading to remove the declining cluster of faded flowers.

Geraniums are easy to grow and garden centers are starting to assemble a good collection. You might keep one color to a container or mix several.  Pests are few so it is likely to be a great geranium year.