Warm Weather Orchid Care

Photo: Tom MacCubbin
by: Tom MacCubbin
Updated: 4/29/2019 4:16:46 PM
Did you receive an orchid as a gift or did you treat yourself to one of the flowering plants found at the garden center?  When finished blooming indoors, your orchid would love to spend time outside under a tree for the warmer months.  Actually, this is a great spot for your orchids during all but the colder months. Trees provide filtered light and help retain moisture withing the canopy orchids use for growth.

Spring  is a good time to repot many orchids.  Even though the plants are producing shoots and flowers, the growing medium  may be deteriorating.  If the bark, tree fern or other material is turning to mush the plants need to be replanted.  Try to repot orchids when new growth is just beginning.

While repotting you may decide to divide the plants to increase the collection.  Some produce offshoots that can be removed from the older plants and repotted.  Others can be cut into sections of three or more leaves with swollen bases called pseudo bulbs.  Repot all orchids in a clean container using a fresh growing medium.

Orchids should flourish during the hot humid weather ahead. Use these tips to promote maximum growth.

  • Stake orchid stems to keep them in an upright position.
  • Feed every other week with a 20-20-20 or similar orchid fertilizer.  Many gardeners substitute a slow release fertilizer added in a small cloth sack or scattered over the surface of the growing medium. 
  • Water when the growing medium begins to feel dry to the touch.
  • Mist during dry days  to increase humidity.
  • Control scale insects that attack leaves and stems.
Good care also includes removing the flowers as they fade and stalks that have finished blooming   Check your orchids frequently and give them a prominent location when they come into bloom.