Holiday Cactus Need Timely Fall Care to Flower

Holiday Cactus
Photo: Tom MacCubbin
by: Tom MacCubbin
Updated: 9/28/2018 10:01:27 AM
Bright green and sitting on a table near the window or resting on the patio floor, your holiday cactus is probably just another plant at this time of the year. But in about two months it could be bursting with seasonal color if given a little fall care.

Resist giving the plant a larger pot or doing pruning at this time of the year.  Holiday cactus, also called Thanksgiving and Christmas cactus, like to be a little pot bound.  They make the best growth during summer and shortly go into a flowering mode. These are tropical cactus without spines that prefer the hot moist weather for growth but flower during the cooler short days of fall.

Fall is a very critical  time for care. Starting in late September or early October use these tips to ensure good holiday color.

No, my plant is not in flower now but by early December I am looking for a great display of holiday color.